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Heschel’s Passover Eve

  • January 15, 2024
  • 7:00pm - 8:30pm
  • 124 1st St. Louisville, 40202

Join Keneseth Israel and Adath Jeshurun as they partner together to bring “Heschel’s Passover Eve” to Louisville!

The solo performance of, “Heschel’s Passover Eve” meets Rabbi Dr. Abraham Joshua Heschel a few days before the Seder to which he invited his friend and traveling companion, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, in April 1968.

The preparations for Seder night infuse the Jewish “Festival of Freedom” with universal meaning and link the call, “Let My People Go,” to the struggle for human rights, social activism, the need for Tikun Olam, the relevance of Jewish tradition, Zionism, and Jewish peoplehood for each one of us.

Join us on MLK day – January 15th at 7:00 p.m. at Roots 101 to watch this amazing performance!

To learn more about the production visit: https://www.heschels-story.com/


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