Torah Yoga
Torah Yoga
Join Cantor Hordes as she takes you on a journey through the sun salutations, and meditations of Torah. Some yoga mats are available, please bring your own if you have one. Suggested donation is $10 to the Cantor's Fund.
Join Cantor Hordes as she takes you on a journey through the sun salutations, and meditations of Torah. Some yoga mats are available, please bring your own if you have one. Suggested donation is $10 to the Cantor's Fund.
Come bring in Shabbat with us at our musical Kabbalat Shabbat service and dinner featuring talks from the Kentucky Refugee Ministries. Service is in person or online at
Come celebrate Tu B'Shvat - the new year for the trees - with a traditional Tu B'Shvat Seder followed by a vegetarian dinner! The cost for the dinner is $10 and is payable at the door or online.
Come enjoy a beer on Rabbi Freed and learned some insights into this weeks Torah portion at Ten20 brewing on Douglass Loop.
Since we couldn't hold it on the 2nd - we've pushed it to the 16th! Come enjoy meditations on Torah while you move your body to the sun salutations. Some mats are available - please bring your own if you have one.
Come bring in Shabbat with us at our Kabbalat Shabbat service - in person or online at
Join Keneseth Israel and the National Council of Jewish Women for Repro Shabbat, featuring an enhanced Kiddush and a interview with the representatives in the current lawsuit in Kentucky.
Come celebrate Shabbat with us at our morning service - in person or online at
Never learned Hebrew? Want to brush up on your Hebrew? Join Cantor Hordes' beginner Hebrew class followed by a learner's minyan that moves at a slower pace.
Come bring in Shabbat with us at our Kabbalat Shabbat service - in person or online at
Have a toddler in your life? Come join us for our new Tot Shabbat! Starting at 11:00 a.m., they will enjoy a toddler friendly shortened service and a sweet treat followed by coming into the main sanctuary to dazzle everyone with their rendition of closing Shabbat service songs.
Come celebrate Shabbat with us at our morning service - in person or online at
Never learned Hebrew? Want to brush up on your Hebrew? Join Cantor Hordes' beginner Hebrew class followed by a learner's minyan that moves at a slower pace.