The 2019 David & Reva Waldman Kahn Scholar-in-Residence program will be April 5-7, featuring Rabbi Simcha Raphael, Ph.D. Simcha is the Founding Director of the Da’at Institute for Death Awareness, Advocacy and Training, Adjunct Professor in Religion at LaSalle University, and a psychotherapist in Philadelphia.
Friday night, April 5: 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by a catered dinner.
“Tales of the World Beyond”
Learn about the afterlife in Judaism with entertaining folk stories from Jewish mysticism. $10/adult, $5/child.
April 6: Shabbat morning D’var Torah during services.
“Jacob’s Deathbed Finale”
Through investigating Jacob’s deathbed drama in Genesis, we will discover the wisdom Torah provides for dealing with end-of-life issues. Free.
April 6: 9:30am Shabbat morning service followed by a Kiddush lunch and learn.
“The Afterlife in Kabbalah”
Explore Kabbalistic texts and Hasidic stories about the afterlife in Jewish mysticism. Free.
Sunday, April 7: 10am breakfast, and then a special presentation by Sonny Meyer and Dr. Raphael –
“Jewish Burial: Lessons from the Louisville Chevra Kadisha”
Come see the evolution of Jewish traditions of sacred burial from ancient times through today, including stories of Louisville’s own burial society. Free.
RSVP by March 25 to or 502-459-2780. Pay by check or online at
All events at Keneseth Israel, 2531 Taylorsville Road in Louisville
Sponsored by Keneseth Israel Congregation and Herman Meyer & Son Funeral Home.